So I'm really going to do this. I've thought about it for a long time, started and stopped, and now I'm in. I am beginning a blog for two main reasons. First, I've been inspired by the blogs of my friends, and blogs of people I don't know - but wish I did. Second, I think it will be fun for me to read these stories again in several months or years or whatever, and see where I was. Mentally, I mean. Now, I'm functioning at about 60%.
Perhaps I'm looking for an outlet - a place to say what I think. I work in a place where it's really best that I avoid being mouthy if at all possible. I mostly avoid it. I prefer to speak my mind, and in the right crowd I really love to say the occasional inappropriate comment. I have recently concluded that I probably say at least three things each week that I really shouldn't say. I then spend the next day or two obsessing about those things.
Speaking of obsessing - I'm great at it. But I'm sure I'll get to that in another post.
That's all for now.