Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Funny things

So my five year old is a pretty funny kid. She's headstrong, at times impossible, but pretty entertaining. We actually have a twitter account for her, mainly to keep up with all of the crazy things she says.

Here are some of my favorite quotes:

Let's play Rock Paper Scissors. I'll be the rock.

Plump is a way to say fat, but it's nicer.

You're just saying "because", and that isn't an answer. Tell me why!

If you don't get me the drink I want, I'll never be happy again. IN MY WHOLE LIFE!

And Jesus was his name-O!

If those are the rules, I'm not going to follow them.

Blah blah blah, LIES!

Thank you God for horses. But not for their smell. We don't like their smell.

I have this weird feeling. It's a feeling that's making me stop cleaning.

I think awkward is my favorite word. No wait, it isn't. Princess is.

It's not a hit. It's a high five on your face!

This shark is lazy. I know because of his face.

My underarms smell like mushrooms. The stinky kind of mushrooms.

And there are more. Many, many more. That kid is a nut. A funny nut that drives me crazy sometimes.


  1. Oh my word!! I just found your blog! This is the funniest list ever! I love her and I don't even know her!

    Great idea to keep a twitter account to keep track of her hilarity!

  2. Ha ha she is so funny. And impossible. The twitter account will continue to grow, right along with my gray hairs.

    I just started blogging. I'm trying to be disciplined about it. I love reading yours!
